Frequently asked questions

Frequently asked questions

What is Next Level?

What is Next Level?

Who is Notable and what is their relationship with Coldwell Homes?

Who is Notable and what is their relationship with Coldwell Homes?

Are there any requirements for my client to use Next Level?

Are there any requirements for my client to use Next Level?

What is the maximum loan amount my client can be approved for?

What is the maximum loan amount my client can be approved for?

When is the loan due?

When is the loan due?

What are the expected interest rates?

What are the expected interest rates?

What if my client is also buying? How will this affect their buying process if financing?

What if my client is also buying? How will this affect their buying process if financing?

Are there any restrictions on contractors or how the loan funds are used?

Are there any restrictions on contractors or how the loan funds are used?

How do my clients pay vendors or get reimbursement for out-of-pocket payments?

How do my clients pay vendors or get reimbursement for out-of-pocket payments?

Can the client request more money?

Can the client request more money?

What happens at closing? How does my client repay their loan?

What happens at closing? How does my client repay their loan?

What if the deal terminates or the client backs out and terminates the listing agreement?

What if the deal terminates or the client backs out and terminates the listing agreement?

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¹ Interest and fees apply. Loan funds, interest, and fees are due upon loan acceleration, twelve months after origination, client’s termination of the listing agreement, or the date on which Notable otherwise suspends the loan for any reasons stated in the loan agreement, whichever occurs sooner. Subject to the terms and conditions of the loan agreement with Notable Finance, LLC.

² Funds can be used on services that prepare the home or enable the home sale, as determined by Notable in its sole discretion. Use of funds for unpermitted purposes may be denied. Subject to terms and conditions and the Notable Finance, LLC loan agreement.

³ Eligibility criteria subject to change at Notable's discretion and without notice. Terms and conditions apply. Contact Notable for more details (

⁴ Results may vary. Coldwell Homes and Notable Finance, LLC do not guarantee or warranty any results.

⁵ Subject to the terms and conditions of the Notable Finance, LLC loan agreement and Coldwell Homes is not providing loans as part of Next Level. Next Level loans are provided by Notable Finance, LLC, NMLS# 1824748. For all Borrowers in California: Loans are made or arranged pursuant to a California Finance Lenders Law license. For all Borrowers in Virginia: Notable Finance, LLC is licensed by the Virginia State Corporation Commission, CFI-243. Loan eligibility is not guaranteed and all loans are subject to credit approval and underwriting by Notable. Rules and exclusions apply.

⁶ Notable reserves the right to change underwriting and eligibility criteria at any time without notice.

Notable Finance is a registered trademark with the USPTO.

All rights reserved © Notable Finance, LLC6 Landmark Sq, Fl 4, Stamford, CT 06901 •  NMLS #1824748